Notice from the President of the EAT


In view of the circumstances created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal directs as follows:

(i) All full hearings currently listed to be heard with all parties present in the EAT in the Rolls Building, London, between 23 March 2020 and 9 April 2020, shall now be converted to an Appointment for Directions and be heard by telephone unless in the individual case the President or another Judge of the EAT directs otherwise. The Appointment for Directions will consider the re-listing of the appeal, the possibility of conducting the hearing via Skype or other means of electronic communication and any other matters considered relevant to the re-listing of the appeal.

(ii) All Rule 3(10) Hearings and Preliminary Hearings listed to be heard with one or more parties present in the EAT in the Rolls Building, London, between those dates shall be heard by telephone unless in the individual case, the President or another Judge of the EAT directs otherwise.

(iii) Parties are therefore not required to attend at the EAT's premises in London for any hearings listed between those dates. Instead, all parties should ensure that the EAT has their telephone contact details, if not already provided. Parties may also be asked about their ability to participate in hearings via Skype.

(iv) The position in relation to hearings listed in the period from 14 April 2020 will be the subject of a further announcement before that date.

(v) The parties remain free to make any application to the EAT at any time.

The President of the EAT remains grateful to all concerned for their patience and forbearance during this time.

To all readers stay safe.


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