Employment Law, Practice & Procedure

Professional, concise, straight talking employment law at your fingertips, from someone who understands! 

As an employer you can face challenges with employees whether that be through the medium of a grievance, termination or redundancy and it is sometimes difficult to know exactly what to do or even where to begin. Employment law is like Pandoras Box and often companies can become confused and frustrated when facing potential employment law issues. We are here to provide your company with practical, jargon free employment law and HR guidance with step-by-step guides, blogs and webinars that are accessible anytime.


Employment Law Areas



A grievance is any concern, problem or complaint that an employee may wish to raise with your employer. This could relate to anything, whether regarding working conditions, pay, failure of process, or bullying by a co-worker. Dealing with a grievance in a fair and reasonable manner limits any possible liability that you may face.



Terminating an employee’s employment is terminating the contract between yourself and the employee with or without notice. It is by no means an easy task, particularly if the employee has two years or more qualifying service. An employment contract can be terminated for various reasons under employment law pursuant to the Employment Rights Act 1996 s.98, and following the correct process is imperative to protect your company from liability.



Whistleblowing is when a worker makes a disclosure referred to as a “protected disclosure” in the public interest identifying some sort of wrongdoing. The wrongdoing will typically (although not necessarily) be something they have witnessed at work. Employment Legislation gives protection to employees in such circumstances not suffer a detriment because they made such disclosure. Therefore, being able to identify whether an employee has made such a disclosure in the first instance is important, and then knowing how to proceed if it transpires they are protected will ensure the company is protected from any liability.

“No one gains from fair employment law legislation if there is no employment to be had”

– John. F Kennedy

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